Important Notes (PPL++ User Manual)

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1. Not Recommended Pages 1
Sites that dynamically change content may not be well-supported by PPL++.


2. Not Recommended Pages 2
Avoid using PPL++ on pages that require text input.

3. ChatGPT (Special Handling)
  • ChatGPT is both dynamic and involves text input. However, its content is well-suited to PPL++, so special handling has been implemented.
  • Follow these guidelines for optimal use:
    • Avoid activating highlights while ChatGPT is generating text. This prevents PPL++ from acting on incomplete text.
    • Do not start PPL++ or tap words or empty spaces while text is being generated.
    • Scrolling while text is being generated is acceptable.
    • Once text generation is complete, tap an empty space to activate highlights.
  • Repeat this process as needed.

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