Single Tap Highlight Ext - PPL (Usage)

Here is an instruction for using PPL (Single Tap Highlight Ext - PPL).

Tap the GIF video to jump to that page. Please read on as you try it out.


1. Launch and single tap

Press the yellow button in the lower left corner to start. After launching, tap a word to highlight it.

The highlight color changes automatically.



2. Numbers

Everything is highlighted exhaustively.




3. Hint

Highlight the yellow words and you will be happy!



4. Undo, Reset

Press the lower left button again. Then, one button will be added.

Press this button once to undo (yellow), and a second time to erase everything (red).


When you have finished the operation, press the lower left button to return to the single button status.


5. Link transition(Double Tap or Lower bottom button)

Link transitions are performed by double-tapping the link section.

Another way is to press the lower left button, so that there are two buttons, which represents single-tap link transitions are enabled.





6. Clear translucent buttons

The PPL button may get in the way on some pages. If this happens, press the small button in the upper right corner. All buttons will disappear.




That's all about how to use it. Next (options).
Below is an explanation for Chinese visitors.


7. Double Tap for Chinese Characters

To highlight multiple Chinese characters as a phrase, you must specify a range. Start point (first tap) and end point (last tap).



If you miss the first tap, you can cancel it by tapping on the unlettered area.


Next (options).