Single Tap Highlight Ext - PPL

We post how to use the Single Tap Highlight Extension. Since this will overlap with the top page, an overview of the Single Tap Highlight Extension is included in the latter half of this page.

If you came from the Window launched during the installation of PPL instead of Safari, please copy and paste the following URL into the Safari URL box and come back again


Single Tap Highlight Ext (PPL) - Instruction Manual

1. Activation

2. Basic usage

3. Options

4. The art of Tap Highlighting - Case Studies (Coming soon)

 4.1. Foreign language study

 4.2. Papers, Textbooks (School), Qualification Examinations

 4.3. Legal

5. Read PDF with PPL


Single Tap Highlight Ext (PPL) - Overview

By simply tapping on a word in a sentence, the same word is automatically changed to the same background color.

Video file

At first glance, this technology looks trivial, but it is surprisingly new. For example, it is not implemented as a standard feature in web browsers. This is because it requires elaborate technical preparations (patent pending, Patent Application 2022-021675 and Patent Application 2022-110074, both before publication.). When you search some terms by highlighting, this requires keyboard input (interrupting your concentration from reading) or is limited to a single word.

Video file

The key is just tap once the word in the sentence. It is extremely simple, but therefore has a wide range of applications. In one example, it allows you to read a text with a bird's eye view to spare, but there may be many other unknown uses.

Functional Toy Manufacturing has a browser extension (semi-automatic highlight (to be renamed "Single Tap Highlight Extension")) that realizes the above. It is available for almost every page (text) on the Internet.

We promise you a new reading experience.


Safari Extension


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